I think I know what is wrong!
I just read that over two thirds of the UK population support a ban on smacking children. The reason for this being that
"The current law allowing for "reasonable chastisement'' dates back to 1860 and means that children have less protection from smacking than adults."!
I don't see the relevance in that to be honest with you. The next statement is even more nonsensical:
"The current law giving children less protection dates back to the century before last and is clearly out of step with modern family values.
"In the 21st century, equal protection must be every child's right. It is vital that hitting children becomes as socially unacceptable as hitting anyone else, which means modernising the law, as at least 10 other European countries have done successfully."
In other words, these people (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) are conversely claiming that our modern family value system is the best that it has ever been, and as time progresses things can only get better! Line that up with society's current state of decay and I would say that their arguement is promoting 19th century values rather than opposing them. I think if there is anything that this world lacks - and in particular the UK - it is discipline in the home. It is a biblical principle and has proven its value over THOUSANDS of years. To say that UK youth don't need to be disciplined (with a smack) shows just how far people in this country have been led away from the truth. Rather than going with what is right, people will bleat away and follow the fool with the loudest voice. No-one has an individual opinion anymore. What is fed to them by the Sun and other liberal media becomes what is morally acceptable and socially pleasing. Just look at the cannabis legalisation scenario. First it was introduced and faced opposition. It was then shelved and re-introduced a few months later. There was still opposition to the issue, but it had dwindled in size drastically. Now, you can't get put away for doing the drug. Suddenly the police force want more drastic measures introduced to deal with the spin-offs of its legalisation. ITS TOO LATE SUCKERS!! You should have thought of that BEFORE you made it legal. The same thing has taken place with child discipline except that this nation has been ammoral since the sixties and so they have no moral point of reference. If it feels good, it must be right. Thats why nobody in this county goes against the flow anymore and stands up for what is right; "It doesn't feel nice..." rings in my ears. Slowly but surely, society has distanced itself from biblical values until it is now every man for himself. Very dangerous... There are now no 'moral fences' to protect us from running out onto the 'immoral highway' and some hotshot seated in government decides what he will or will not make socially acceptable today before teatime.
Please don't get me wrong. I am not advocating child abuse, but I strongly believe that a child needs to be disciplined with the hand of a parent who provides its security and love so that it can learn life's lessons in the home environment rather than - one day - walking out into the real world and just taking what he/she wants or doing what he/she wants because 'it was fine with Mommy and Daddy so it must be fine now...'.
Tell me what you think... I'm going to get some tea...
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