Tuesday, May 03, 2005


So apparently, I have a fairly high IQ. Why then can't I seem to crack it at the work place. Where I come from initiative and an ability to successfully find solutions to problems encountered are encouraged and show the employee to be an asset to the work place. Here in the UK, an ability to unquestioningly follow the book and not see the various shades of grey in between the black and white are seemingly more desirable attributes. For me, I can't understand that. Those rules are written as guidelines by a mortal human being and surely are useful to those wishing to understand the basic workings of a system. After that I believe, one should have the freedom to analyse and search for better more efficient approaches to getting a job done. Unfortunately its not like that. Get to work at 8am and say "Yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am, three bags full sir/ma'am" until 5pm. Whatever happened to teamwork? Surely employment at an establishment means that one has been accepted as part of a team? This implies that that individual has the right to suggest or at least voice their opinions to how they feel things could be improved. While this obviously doesn't have to be acted upon, the mere fact that the person is listened to creates an environment more conducive to teamwork? Instead, the UK employer is threatened by this 'uncooperative' approach.
My opinion? Too much insecurity among management people has caused highly valuable people to effectively have their wings clipped, thereby effectively placing a ceiling on their career paths. Just because a leader is scared that his position will be usurped. Something is not right here!!
To make matters worse, I have a concentration problem. Priorities change their levels of importance as something else grabs my attention. Consequently I need guidance in the workplace until I understand the system fully. Once I understand it, my natural instinct is to try and improve on what is in place. This then leads to the above mindset of feeling threatened. Blame is shifted onto yours truly because 'he doesn't have a clue about what is going on' and I can't defend my actions. Ugh!
Then I'm asked why I've taken so long to get back into full-time employment!! =P


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